Marleen Leën

CV Marleen Leën
Marleen Leën 1956
Studied 3 years arts education, followed by a Bachelor of Arts in Diest (1970-1976)
Married to Albrecht Schmitz in 1976.
1976-1986: member and vice-chairman of art circle Sakoura Hasselt. Took part in numerous group exhibitions - especially in the province of Limburg with mainly graphic work. 1976-1982: employed as art teacher in various schools.
1977: individual exhibition Hof ten Rode Diest.
1982: birth of son Wouter.
1983: commissioned by the St.Jozef college in Hasselt for the decoration of the auditorium with monumental wall paintings. From 1984 many foreign trips, especially in Asia, for business purposes. (Hong Kong, Macao, China, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore). The influence of this is sometimes visible in her work.
Although in the past her initial work was mainly graphic, from 1990 on there has been a total turnaround to acrylic on canvas and mostly in large format.
1993: affiliation with art circle Alde-Biezen Rijkhoven.
1993 April: individual exhibition in “Het Borgerhoff” Gallery in Alt-Hoeselt.
1993 May: exhibition in 4 banks in Bilzen (ASLK, GB, KB and BBL).
1993 June: individual exhibition in the BBL bank in Tongeren.
1993 Aug: open air exhibition at the Sterrebos in Stevoort.
1994 June: individual exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Dobrich, Bulgaria under the auspices of the Belgian Embassy.
1994 July: individual exhibition in the City Gallery of Razgrad, Bulgaria under the auspices of the Belgian Embassy.
1994 Aug.: individual exhibition at the "Center for Arts" in Pleven, Bulgaria under the auspices of the Belgian Embassy.
1994 Aug: open air exhibition at the Sterrebos in Stevoort.
1994 Sept: individual exhibition in the "City Gallery for Visual Arts "in Rousse, Bulgaria under the auspices of the Belgian Embassy.
1996 March: individual exhibition in Kunsthoeve 't poorthof in Riemst.
1996 Sept: exhibition in gallery De Kei (Nuenen-Netherlands).
1999 May: exhibition in gallery De Kei (Nuenen-Netherlands).
1999 Nov-Dec: gallery Simon Stevens in Bruges.
2000 July: International Salon des Artistes Bourbonne-les-Bains. (Frankr.)
Was forced to stop intensive painting due to illness.
She has now picked up her old love and is once again working full-time on abstract works.
2016 May Solo: The Old Barrier Hasselt (Wimmertingen).
2016 Oct: Symbiosis of Art and Design in collaboration with Design Hermans Hasselt. In permanence with changing works.
2017: from January in gallery Kunsthuys Best in Best Netherlands.
2017 : June 18th: Summer Event of Heleven Jewelery in Hove St-Paul with Gallery Solus Art Hasselt.
2018 March: 23 til 25th Art with a big H at the invitation of Rotary Houthalen Midden-Limburg at the NAC in Houthalen-Helchteren.
2018 : May-June Gallery de Oude Barrier Hasselt solo exhibition from 27 May 2018 to 20 June.
2018: Amsterdam group exhibition : Mr Wallski introduces prints and glicées on new platform.